
Showing posts from July, 2021

5 Star Video Production with Spot On Media

 If Video Production is not in your marketing strategy then you are missing out on tremendous rewards.  It is a fundamental and integral part of modern marketing that connects with consumers intuitively. So where do you start? Social Media Videos Social media videos entice relevant audiences and drive enormous traffic your way.   You can tell in a matter of a day or two if your video is working or not and adjust accordingly.  However, there is a specific size and style you should adhere to since most people will be seeing your video on their mobile device.   Make it interesting, make the text pop, and above all keep it simple so people will stop scrolling.  Let’s save you some time and list the benefits: Millions of people domestically use Social Media. You can do nuanced audience targeting. People can share your videos easily LinkedIn is good for B2B. Facebook & Instagram are good for B2C.   ” If Video Production is not in your marketing strategy, you are missing out.  It